An Initiative of

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Social Media Entertainment Lifestyle Graphic Concept


16 NOV 2022

16 NOV 2022

Entrance fee



Becentral 10 Kantersteen #12 1000 Brussel

AI, Data and Robotics for all, right now in Belgium


About this event

Come join the first event on AI & Education in Belgium! It is said that the country will need more educated citizens and workers on these technologies. Let’s have a conversation with local experts and inspiring initiatives to understand: Who are the key actors in the country? What is needed in and for Belgium? How to teach about the technology but also its ethical and legal challenges?

This event will be followed by a meet-and-greet to maybe inspire you to collaborate together! Let’s join our forces to bring a high-quality AI education in Belgium.

You are an organization working on AI, Data or Tech Ethic education in Belgium (with young people) and you want to be present for free to share your experience? Please reach out to!

AI4InclusiveEducation: We are a collective of STEM organizations (Scientotheque, Bemaker, CollectiveUP) and educational institutions (FARI – AI for the Common Good Institute, Erasmushogeschool). We have been working on developing open access educational content in AI, Data, Robotics and Ethics for Belgian educators. We are funded by Innoviris and the Digital Belgian Skills Fund. We are supported by AI4Belgium. We have also developed a catalogue of AI teaching ressources, we hope you could help us improve and optimize.


16h-16H10 Welcome speech

16h10-16h30 Presentation of the open access material AI4InclusiveEducation

16H30-17H30 Short speeches – Presentation of material from over 10 Belgian organizations active in Teaching AI

17h30-18H00 Pause & visit tables with pedagogical material

18H-19H Panel: How to teach Digital Skills, AI, Data, Robotics, and Ethics?

19H-19H05 Thank you and opening of cocktail

19H05-21H Drinks
