An Initiative of

Supported by


Fair Play workshop

FairPlay is a serious game that explores algorithmic fairness. It offers players the opportunity to experience first-hand the implications of being governed by algorithms and to explore different concepts of fairness.   

FARI Workshop
FARI Workshop

What a fair algorithm is?

What can you expect?

This game invites participants to immerse themselves in the complex field of AI ethics. Played by a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 20 participants, players are subject to the decisions of an algorithm. The game examines the fairness of these decisions and explores techniques available to improve fairness.

Who should participate?

This serious game is aimed at citizens and public administrations interested in AI ethics and wanting to learn more about fairness in AI systems.

A 20% discount is available for non-profit organizations and the public sector. To benefit from the discount, we ask you to register with a professional email address from one of the above categories.

Practical details:


The workshop will be held in English, French and Dutch.

Dates and location:

This workshop can be held in two hours or more, depending on the size of the group.

Currently there are no scheduled dates, but at FARI we offer this service on demand and tailored to your needs. Contact us at

Why participate?

With this innovative game, we will explore together how fair or unfair an algorithmic decision can be. Scenarios such as students trying to find a place to live and the algorithm deciding who gets a place and who doesn’t, or candidates trying to get a job interview and the algorithm deciding who deserves to be called and who doesn’t. We can customize scenarios for your organization that you and your colleagues can play with in our FairPlay workshop.


English, French & Dutch


FARI Test & Experience Center, Cantersteen 16, 1000 Bruxelles

Contact details

Lore Stanson