An Initiative of
Supported by
Research & Innovation
About us
Press releases
CLAIRE EDIHs meet for better collaboration in AI within Europe’s private and public sectors
FARI calls for responsible and ethical AI at summit 2023
FARI rolls out AI Academy with an AI Introduction for the Medical Professions
Join us for a Datawalk in Brussels
Brussels now hosts a state-of-the-art public-oriented AI Test & Experience Center
AI en kunst: Een gecompliceerde en complementaire relatie
AI and Art: A Complicated and Complementary Relationship
Asia-Europe’s dialogue exchange to foster digital services regulations
ELSA International panel encourages a new way of impact measurement and calls for more citizen engagement in AI Projects
Belgium to accelerate high quality of education through AI & Education initiatives to accelerate future-proof, sustainable economy for Brussels with a new EU grant
In a nutshell: FARI AI for the Common Good
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