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Ann Nowé
Lead Scientific Advisor (VUB) / Head, AI Lab - VUB
Lead Scientific Advisor (VUB)
See profile
Hugues Bersini
Lead Scientific Advisor (ULB) / Head, IRIDIA - ULB
Lead Scientific Advisor (ULB)
Bram Vanderborght
R&MM - Promotor, BruBotics
Emanuele Garone
Professor, SaaS-ULB
Andres Cotorruelo
Senior Researcher, FARI
Zemerart Asani
PhD Researcher, VUB-ULB
Denis Steckelmacher
Post-doctoral researcher
Hélène Plisnier
Post-doc Researcher, VUB-AI Lab
Michel Joop van der Schoor
Post-doc researcher at VUB
Shirley A. Elprama
Post-doc at imec-SMIT-VUB and FARI
Kevin De Pauw